

Course Description
MSSQL Server offers a robust architecture for enterprise data management, developer productivity and business intelligence. This course provides the knowledge and practical skills needed to maximize the benefits of SQL Server 2008. You gain a solid ground on which to build essential SQL Server development and administrative skills, including creating databases, generating Transact-SQL statements, implementing security and reporting through reporting services.

Contents and Overview
This course is a beginners introduction to SQL which stands for structured query language. It is the language used to communicate and manipulate databases. In this course you will learn to C.R.U.D using SQL. C.R.U.D is an acronym for Create,Read,Update and Delete. These are the main functions that SQL can do on any database. There are other related tasks that SQL does or can do but the bulk of what it is used for is C.R.U.D. This course will give you the knowledge required to create ,read ,update and delete data from any database system using SQL. This is possible because SQL is a standard language and will perform C.R.U.D in the same way regardless of the type of database. This course will help you understand How to manipulate databases using SQL. Also you will learn how to retrieve only relevant data or information you need and order them in the way you want.

What are we going to get from this course?
Intro To MSSQL Server 2014
Overview of SQL Server and tools
Installing and configuring SQL Server
Database concepts and theory
Understanding data warehousing and data mining
Designing and implementing databases
What is RDBMS
Introduction to SQL
What is SQL
What can SQL do
What is table

1- Lecture: Summary 
CRUD SQL Querries
How to Create Database
How to Create Create table
How to Insert data into database table
How to alter database table
What is Where clause
How to view data in database table
How to delete data into database
How to drop database, table
How to filter table columns
How to filter table rows
What are SQL constriants
What are keys in SQL
How keys are important in SQL
What is primary key
What is foreign key
What is Unique Key
What is not null

2- Lecture: Summary 
Select Statements
How to select distinct records in a table
How to select distinct records in a table
What are wildcards
What is Aliases
What is Like
What is Between
What is order by
What is having clause
How to write complex select statements using AND / OR

3- Lecture: Summary
SQL Join Statments
Why we use SQL join statements
How to select multiple tables data
What is Inner Join
What is Left Outer Join
What is Right Outer Join
What is Full Outer Join

4- Lecture: Summary
SQL Advance Topics
Using multiple catch statements
What is SQL Injection
How to avoid SQL Injection attacks
What is database normalisation
What is Index
How implemnt CRUD on Indexes
What is View
What is temporary table
How implemnt CRUD on Views
What is store procedure
Monitoring SQL Server 2014
Backing up and restoring a SQL Server database
Importing and exporting data using SQL Server 2014
Security Implementation in SQL Server 2014

5- Lecture: Summary
Getting Started With ORM
Introduction & Overview of OOAD
What is ORM
What is ADO .NET
What is Entity Framework
What is EDM
How to query data EF
What is LINQ
What is lambda expression
What is LINQ-To-SQL

6- Lecture: Summary
Final Project of Course
Students will develop a commercial level database. They will also plan and backup & restoration of the database.

Exit Profile of Student after taking this course: 

Database Programmer Using MSSQL Server

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