English Quiz 1

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English quiz

English 1

1 / 20

Would you mind ———- a picture with you?

2 / 20

Thank you. That was —— very nice dinner.

3 / 20

My brother was trembling ——– cold.

4 / 20

Prime Minister has arrived ——– London.

5 / 20

I am now quite————–and hearty.

6 / 20

She turned heads wherever she went. What does the idiom/phrase “turn heads” mean?

7 / 20

I did not ——– to university yesterday.

8 / 20

He always comes ———- home late.

9 / 20

Synonym of Ridiculous is ————————–?

10 / 20

The Synonym of “Diligent” is——————–?

11 / 20

He is now ashamed ——– his conduct

12 / 20

Can you switch off ——– television ‘ please?

13 / 20

I ———— lie from now on.

14 / 20

I am shy ———- my teacher.

15 / 20

I am not acquainted ——– her father.

16 / 20

He tried to park his car but ———- space wasn’t big enough.

17 / 20

Who is known as the Poet of Nature?

18 / 20

I looked ——– you at the party ‘ but I didn’t see you.

19 / 20

Synonym of Stunning is ————————–?

20 / 20

——– you call your friend yesterday?

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The average score is 16%


English Quiz is for Preparation Entry Test or exam of LDC, UDC, Clerks, Stenographer, Computer Operators and all related Jobs.








#Computer Operator

Posted on: January 29, 2020, by :

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